Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Time for change...

Time to start bring more positive people into my life... Less wreckage and more love... I want to thank all of my world wide readers who have supported this blog, even during the slow times. I will try to bring to you more content in the coming days and weeks!:) Take care, have fun, and love one another!:)

And yet again...

I have been made to feel like a fool for the third time in two months... I'm sick of it. I'm tired of the games people play... I'm tired of being a piece in their game... I try and let people in, but in turn they just walk all over me... Use me for their own gain, and when they're done just throw me out like the trash... I am done dealing with people like this in my life... They don't deserve to have me in their lives... I hope they go back to the lives they had before and forget that I even exist, it would be much easier that way for everyone involved.