Thursday, January 1, 2015


Taking a left turn with this current thread...


As defined by my smart phone's dictionary, "A person whom one knows and with when one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations..."

So...that's interesting. Never thought to look up what it meant to be a friend, but alas...there it is.

I'm not sure when I came to test my friends. But at some point you can only have your heart broken so many times before you start building defense mechanisms...You hear it as "putting up walls."

Heartbreak is the other side of love I tried not to bring into the last thing I wrote, but it's a fact. That's the gamble...the risk. You risk heartbreak. 

With that being said, you could call me a compulsive gambler. I've taken chances when the odds were stacked against me, and lost. 

But if you don't go for it, you never know, right?;) You can't win if you don't play...

And if you're gonna play, make sure your toys are cooler than the next kids...right? 

I'd say or do things. Subtle things. Some not so subtle. And if they come back to me...usually subtly, sometimes not so subtle...:) 

Well, then you know...

Like the definition states:"...typically exclusive of sexual or family relations..."

You have to be careful who you let in as a friend...from my own experiences friendships tend to go sour after sex gets involved, that's not to say everyone can't still be adults about it, either...just sayin. 

That's where the risk for me has come...with friends. 

That's where tattoos come from...:)


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