Wednesday, March 26, 2014

EducateInspireChange(Response to 370 coverup)

It seems that every so often a story comes along like this that distracts us, and ultimately places fear in us. These are tactics that "The Government"(not quite sure whose it is anymore) has been using more and more.... There has to be some sort of interest changing words or rhythms that are place in these stories that make people forget...Like the lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...They use these stories to distract us from things like cannabis being a cancer cure, why isn't that the biggest news in the world? Because governments have known since the 70's that it does. Because if we do see a huge media push towards this idea, it may make people start asking questions. Questions like, "why did my grandma have to die, if this was there to save her?" Because it would cut into profits... And besides, with only 6 companies(essentially 6 people, maybe less) control all the tv networks. This is fact, and proof was shown on the Conan O'Brian Show when they showed local news programs from all across the country starting a segment with "I don't have to tell you has prices are on the rise..." Probably 20-30 different news stations all start by saying the exact same words.., script? Same script across the whole county? The things they show you(I stopped watching TV about 4 years ago) are designed for them to keep you distracted. Distracted from the things that matter. Not that a plane full of victims doesn't matter, but with the push from the media, and since I don't have TV, it's quite easy to spot the ones they want you to pay attention to... And, this place we call Facebook is no different. Try googling "CIA Zuckerberg." Why do you think it took so long to IPO? It wasn't his to begin with, he was just contracted. What better place is there to know exactly what EVERYONE is doing, eating, how many kids they have, who they are dating, or where they've taken their last 3 vacations. Fb belongs to the NSA and CIA. If people weren't so deliberately distracted most of us would be putting stuff like this together for ourselves. This is why the "Turn Off Your TV Campaign" should be started. Remember when they made everyone go to digital cable...well, you didn't HAVE to, but you didn't get to watch TV if you didn't switch. Digital Programing. Programing. It makes it easier to send out whatever signals they want, at anytime, throughout all cable programing. The bottom line is they have the power and money to do these things. Some of us may think we can't fight all the power and money the world governments have. But we can. Just turn off your TV! Start a hobby! You may have never known about Ukraine or this missing plane if it wasn't for the TV. Turn it off. Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and chose to live without being controlled by your television.

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