Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What's Love Got To Do With It?

What is love? Google it, look it up in your phone's dictionary, pull out your Webster's...

But can any truly define what love is?

Love can be a lot of things. Love can be merely an infatuation, a passion, and also unconditional. 

I do not claim to be an expert in the realm of love, and can only share my experiences from this point. Any names I use will be changed to protect the innocent... or not so innocent...

Here we go... 

The first time I ever felt as if I was "in love" with someone was my junior year in high school. It was my first girl friend, had a crush on her all through school. Let's just say that I hadn't had any experiences... with anyone... ever...But what I had felt towards her was different than I felt towards the other girls around. 

Was it love? Probably not.

The heartbreak didn't really last long, as with the acne clearing up, and the extra hours in the gym paying off, I really started to get a lot of attention... 

Other than that first crush, there wasn't really a girl in school that ever "did it" for me. Sure there there were girls on the dance team that did a lot to distract boys from paying attention in Spanish class. But I didn't end up losing mine(virginity) until after high school.

After a few awkward years of playing the field after high school I found a girl(or the girl found me?)... I truly felt "in love" with someone... and after a period I told her I loved her, she reciprocated the sentiment. 

Now, when I told her that I loved her, I meant it... And when she told me, I figured she did too. Because... if you love someone you don't cheat on them... right?

That whole  experience taught me that word should not be used lightly. And just because someone says it, it does not necessarily mean the same to both...

I once was in a relationship for 5 years without being able to say it... Not proud of it, but just goes to show how important it is to not misuse the words, or the intentions that come with saying them...

I don't mean that Love hasn't found me since that first real heartbreak.

She has. Lots of times. And it's usually on her terms, not mine...

But...guess what? 

I've said it just to say it. Just to make the other person feel good. To her face. Batting my eyes the whole time...and just not mean it.

we all say it...

Say it 100 times a day to someone, and tell me how much you mean it by the time you hit 99? Probably not as much and wholeheartedly as you did that first time.

You can say that you'd still feel it after 100 times, but after all, they are just words, and love (in my opinion) is way more than just words... 

Way more than words.

This is also not to say that those ladies in my past that I never told "I love you" to did not deserve it. For me, the longer I go without saying it, the more I mean it... 

Love is comfortable silence. Love is a gamble. Love is 143. Love is having a partner in crime. Love is music. Love is a touch. Love is a look into someone's eyes. Love is family.
Love is hearing someone reference their partner, and hearing the joy and admiration in their voice when they talk about them...

Love is the most powerful feeling there is. With love in your pocket all things are possible. 

"I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is..."-Forest Gump

You have to be careful with love. That fickle little cherub, Cupid, must be high on mushrooms the times he's taken shots at me...

I mentioned earlier that love is a gamble. A risk, for sure. It doesn't always pay off... I'm single right now as I write this. Mathematically speaking the odds of love finding me are very high. And it scares the shit out of me. Just sayin'.

Love and the Law of Attraction are the secret to manifesting all the things in your life that you want...

The Law of Attraction is basically, how a magnet works... It draws things to it... With the force of love...

We will carry out the how's and why's next time.  Hopefully you'll see that it all ties together in the end.

Until next time...

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