Sunday, January 15, 2017

Demons Lie

Every where I look. Everywhere I turn, I see the demons. It seems like they thrive here...When leaving this place the wind seems to blow right at you pulling you back...when you return, the wind seems to suck you back faster than you it just me, or does this sound like a vortex?

In this place, it feels like that more often than a sucking vortex full of negative just pulls it all in, and here it lies...

The people try and fool themselves, communities turn a blind eye...the officials don't care...It's rotting from the inside out...and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil...I can't help but crack a crooked smile...I know this beast...I've battled this kills if given the chance.

It breaks my heart to see even the children of this place with death plastered across their faces...and though they look in their mirrors; the don't see...

The demon lies.