Be proud of yourself...
If you can't...
Find a way.
"I don't even understand how you can judge as if you are perfect..."
I was told off today...if you didn't already gather that.
But this got me thinking...
I never said I was " perfect"...
To do that would be blasphemous, right? There's supposedly only 1 truly perfect human...he was Latino, and his name was Jesus.
But to be's kinda flawed, ain't it?
So, how was he perfect? His eyes? Their color? His hair, it's color? His teeth? His smile? His physique? His voice? His laugh? His punctuation?
Was it all of them combined?
Is this what makes someone perfect?
The answers are probably all "no."
So then what was it about him that made him perfect?
His mind? ...but did he drink wine? Probably, yes. Did he use cannabis? Again, the answer, probably yes. Opiates? Hallucinogens?
Even just injesting wine, wouldn't that cause corruption of the "natural order" of things? Perfect tolerance???
One thing I do know about the Dude: he was a genius story teller...Similar in the ways of Confucius or Nasrudin, but a little more serious.
Was he taught? Wouldn't he already know it all? Wouldn't he know how to get through to the people of his time? But he didn't...whether he rose, or he fell, we are in worse shape now, than then.
I've heard the idea that He/She, the Universe(some other word than God) decided to incarnate itself. Which, it pretty much could...really...I mean it's made everything else possible...the sun, the moon, the stars...
So, yes, if it so chose to, I'm sure It could zap some ant on this rock, and become it.
To feel what we feel. To experience the things the we all go understand.
To understand the human condition....
The perfectly flawed, human condition!
The most important question.
When it feels like you're trying to fight off 7 people just to get to know 1...why is that?
Why would a friend tell someone not to trust me?
Why would a friend do that?
Why won't anyone tell me, why?
Why would someone try to keep 2 people apart?
Maybe it's because some of these people don't like me?
I know I'm an asshole, but not by default.
It's usually because you're an asshole.
Because you already judged me.
Every morning seems to bring it's own challenges. Nothing is to come easy.
As I fight off bouts of anxiety, and depression in what seems like an hourly basis, but in reality it's about every 10~15 minutes...I try to focus on positive things...happy thoughts. Things that make me smile. Things that make me laugh.
Comforting thoughts.
I've found that I can't rely on people completely...I mean, there are people that are there for me, but who is really going to be there at 3:30 in the morning went I can't fucking sleep because my head won't stop spinning...when I just need to talk it out...? Someone to just be there for no other purpose than to just just be there...
Not many...
Very few...
These are the loneliest moments. When it's just me and the night.
That moment you both wake up talking to each other in your sleep...
Were we dreaming about each other at the same time??