After moving back to Montana for the second time in 2 years I was at an after hour soiree when asked my thoughts on whether or not we've lived past lives...
I went on to explain my experience.
I recalled a moment during the first year of being back in Montana...
I was working at a local business that made specialty heaters for the military, in which 2 people sat 2 feet across from each other, handing ultra-thin metal wire back, and sticking it to a reflective surface that had adhesive with the ability to peel the skin off your hands...
Even with decent conversation it can a loooong night "winding targets"...
But one particular evening I was paired with a pretty young lady...I became nervous and typically I just shut down...and became awkward.
So we sat there for a bit; readying our respective work spaces for the task(s) at hand.
The rattle of her tongue ring killing the stale silence...
Out of know where she starts up a conversation...picking my brain in every little way...meanwhile I'm trying to be shut down and recluse...I'd had some serious trust issues going on at this point in my life, and she just kept prying...
Now, I'm a smoker, and considering how tedious the tasks were that we were doing; I was typically on top of when we could go to break, so I could suck down a couple cigarettes, and then back to the grind for another 2 hours...
Like I said, this evening was particular.
I lost complete...I don't know how to emphasize this more...COMPLETE sense of stood still, and rushed by at the same time.
I've experienced "time flies when you're having fun" plenty of times through life thus far, but not like that...not before and not after...not yet.
So I missed my break by an hour, so what, right? It felt like a blink. Same thing happened for the remaining 2 breaks: missed them both...
Felt like 3 blinks...3 blinks of time that recognized all things about me...communicated with me in a way that was familiar, yet mysterious...and sporting an infinity symbol; I couldn't help but to be drawn to this person.
Was it love, or lust at first sight???
Probably more on the lust side; she is fairly attractive.
But all that is besides the point...
So I explained all this to the woman at the after hours get together...
She asked me if I was "in love" with this young lady, or if I thought she was my "soul mate"...
I told her, "No. I don't think so..."
It was the experience of how 8 hours of time went by in seemingly 3 blinks of an eye...the familiar, yet mysterious way it was so easy to we knew each other before...
That is why I believe that some of us, if not all of us go and come back through...
"Through" what, I don't know...
To and from where???
Do we recognize one another "through time"???
I don't have all the answers...
Did she experience the same thing? Probably not...
This is my muse.