Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Blackest Black Sheep... The Whitest White Lamb...

I have spent quite some time trying to decide on how to
start this..."thing" that I feel the needs to put on record;
if I haven't done so already. I only say that because
some of the things that I write just comes out and it
goes strait to publish without ever a double check, spell
check, or even to check my archives if I have ever
written about it before.

This comes on the cusp on me changing residences...I'm
moving. I am moving from the house that I grew up in,
it's not the first time, but likely the last time.

The last few months have brought a plethora of change
into my life, seemingly, all at once.
In seems to have started from my injury at work, or
possibly longer, as I had been quite unhappy working
for the people for whom I had been working. But the
back injury seemed to light the fuse to the explosion my
life has been since.

Included in this explosion of events that has taken
place over the last 6 months I have had the
opportunity to travel to the motherland...Montana!

Joking aside, it was a bitter sweet experience. Two 12
hour road trips. One there, and one back. To a place
where time stands still.  In between, I seen family who I
hadn't seen since I was a child. Bizarre, how they are
exactly as I remember them, some 25 years later.

It was those long road trips during this...pilgrimage
that I was on, that I had the opportunity to meditate
on all sorts of wild and crazy things. When I say,
"meditate" I do not mean that I was sitting, chanting
"Ohm-mm..." while I driving. Just deep in thought. A
drive like that with no music and only your thoughts
gives you the opportunity for that experience.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but when I drive
through Montana I can't help but think of God...I use
that term losely...God. Only because the word itself is so
vaugue for "whatever it is" that made it all possible for
things like The Big Sky Country(Montana) to exist.

Then, as a pet my beard, run my fingers through my
hair, and knowing that anybody that I am about to see
in the coming days are not going to know who I am,
although they have known me their entire lives...I
would be able to sit next to my closest relative and
remain a complete stranger. The black sheep.

Of all the things that ran through my head during my
drive was my cat. I have one cat that I inherited from
my mother when she left to go back to Montana. And
since I had been doing all this thinking about God and
what not... Well I wondered if Jesus had pets...

I am going to change directions here for a moment,
may begin to offend people who may be reading this,
and assure you that is not my intention. But what I
am to say is from me, and I am a creation, just as you
are. We all are.

Take a moment or two to ponder the idea on
whether or not Jesus had a pet or two...only if you can, but first, 3 simple concepts.

1. There was a guy named Jesus(translations could be
varied due to understanding/misunderstanding through human imperfections).

2. He could have been born and existed about 2000
years ago.

3. He was highly **intelligent, and **enlightened.**I
will come back to this at a later point.

These should be fair assumptions of the Jesus they tell us
about, right? I'm sure there were pets in ancient times.

Cats are to be believed, at some point, been worshiped
by the Egyptians.On some level. Even believed to be
punishable by death if caught exporting a cat out of

If you understand anything about Egyptian religions,
most, but not all, discuss the concept of "multiple gods."
I put that in quotes because this seems to be as far as
what mainstream Christianity chooses to tell their
"flock" about the concepts of "all the gods" that were/are

The multi-god philosophy is basically this; if you like
planting and tending to a garden, helping a lending
hand, or taking care of the sick/elderly, then thats
what you do. You follow that path. Subsequently you
find yourself around like minded people trying to
accomplish like minded things. "Two heads are better
than one..."  You can see this in your work place if you 
are passionate about the thing you do.

I hope to show you that this does all tie together in
some fachet...

Back to Jesus and his cat...Or whether or not he had a
pet...Maybe a dog even? That's kind
of a mind blowing concept. Hard to even fathom I

Yes, that is me being sarcastic. But...
It is a simple enough question. But it IS a mind blowing
question. That when thoroughly thought out, possesses 
a whole lot of new questions. Real questions. Human

Let's play along, shall we?

If you're a cat or dog person, choose your "imaginary"
pet for our Jesus. For the purpose of writing this out, I
am going to choose a dog, although I am most definitely
a cat person, for my own reasons. Of which are too
lengthy to get into here.(cat person response(;).

A dog makes more sense to me. It seems to me Jesus did
a lot of walking and traveling around. A cat would
probably have to ride on his shoulders. Don't get me
wrong, being a cat person, during my drive, I thought
quite definitively about Jesus quite possibly walking
from village to village with a cat on his shoulders.
Man's best friends...Cats too.

I am going to pause here to try and paint a picture as
to where my understanding of Jesus may come from.
Because as I write about what is the incarnation of the

Universal Power, in human form...having pets. Well, it
takes a minute to process, but shouldn't be hard.

As a child I was born on the cusp of Gemini/Cancer for
you numbers folks out there. To a barely wed, mid-west
catholic girl, and a railroaders son whose family had
fully committed to becoming Jehovah's Witnesses due to
my grandfather surviving a lung cancer surgery that
had him on one lung since the 80's and is still around
today. Grandmother had Witnesses on her side of the family.

So there I was. Torn between catholic mom, and
witness dad after their 1 year marriage failed. 
Leaving me with my mother for the bulk of my life. 
Dad would have me hanging out with his youngest brother who
was born just a month after I was for most of my
summer and weekend visits.

Each religion claiming to be the truth and the path to

It wasn't until my dad bailed on me and
gave me options to go live with my Jehovah's Witness
aunt(s), or my drunk mom, (at the time) , and 
I didn't want to have to make new friends again. 
Issues from being pulled out of school every year until junior high.

I will forever be grateful, and thank the J-Witness side
of  my family for the rigorous Bible/Bible book studies
that I attended, growing up with my grandparents
during the summers in Montana, and during the stay
with my aunt in South Seattle. Everything they told me
proved that every religion out there was not the
"truth" and not the true way to "salvation"; 
when you start to align yourself to what is and what isn't... 
Go ahead and take a moment to let that soak in if you need.
 What is, and what isn't.

They taught me I should question false prophets.

What is a false prophet? A false prophet is someone/something
claiming to be something they are not. If I stand in the middle of 
Catholic and JW...

Who is false? Well.. One of them is... That's the point.
Neither one of them was necessarily "evil" and neither
intend it. Both were good. One a little more
ridged than the other. But to their core. They both
offered a different way of living based upon 
a higher powers moral expectations of us versus
our moral compass.

My next run in with religion came when I read the
auto biography of Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam .
during the same time I studied MLK Jr. Two totally
different philosophies again...

Possible false prophets around every corner.

If you were able to squeeze the Bible and have only one
true message of Jesus' come out of that muddled mess that
is the Bible as we know it; would have to be: I am in all
of you.

I am in all  of you.

Meaning that you do no need to
follow a religion in order to find "Christ." He's in us. You
find him, or the power/essence of him through prayer
and meditation. Am I wrong? Would you find Jesus in a Church?

I don't claim to know the guy, but he was probably busy...
Like..24/7. His life, once he reappeared around 30-ish, 
was probably dedicated to saving the world.
I wonder if he was still building houses until his last days...
Maybe had a couple projects still going...?

"Pete, I still have to go pour some concrete for this guys 
chimney first thing, and then we'll go, ok?"
said Jesus before leaving to go save the world.

I have realized the idea and concept of congregating
with like minded individuals for a common purpose in
life as a means of getting closer to that power and
essence... sounds a lot like ancient Egyptian beliefs
system before Christianity came along... doesn't it?

So... Jesus and his dog.

I hope that if there are any "Christians" reading this,
that they understand that there are things about Jesus
that your highest elder in your congregation can not answer.

Not for any heavenly or unheavenly reason.

But because about 2/3 of His life is unaccounted for, or yet to be reveled.

This is where the true beauty of Jesus exists. 
It is in that two-thirds the divinity lives. Now bare with me.

If it is agreed that there is quite a bit of Jesus' life missing
from the "history books," well... then we kind of have to
use our imaginations a little bit, do we not?

In doing so, though, you are not to be "blasphemous" in
any way, right?Right?

You might say that two-thirds is a lot of life to imagine
for someone. Think of the last 2/3 of your life...A lot of
stuff, right? I'll raise my hand to that...

And here lies the secret. You have to truly
meditate(pray) to get closer to understanding what
could have been happening in a young man's life...in
doing so you bring yourself closer to god whether you
like it or not. :)

OK, already! Jesus has a dog or a cat or what ever!

I blame my grandmother, she's the reason I am
on the wordy side... The 3 dots are mine though...

Ok, so Jesus is walking/traveling to village after village
with his pets, picking up people who buy into his
philosophy(the apostles, and its a pretty good concept if
we can sort through the muddle thats been
manipulated over the last couple millenia)...

God bless those that do the same thing

Wait...another thing pondered while
driving...Where was His bible?

Those today use a Bible...Full of words that have
been mistranslated. From language to language, 
over 100's of years, then leading
to misunderstanding of concepts because the wrong
words are/were used to describe the things cataloged.

Jesus had to have been charismatic...A people person...I
would think...It could be argued that he was/is the most
charismatic of all-time? Being what and who he
was...Perfect. Am I wrong?

There he is. A charismatic young man, in his
mid-twenties to early 30's, with a dog, 
able to more fully empathize with people on all levels, 
levels that we do not seem to understand...except one.

People, the worst kinds of people, believe in him. We
cannot know for sure exactly word for word what he
said, tones, facial expressions, due to things that get
lost in translation. Think of the text discussions you
may have had that ended up twisted and misunderstood
because you could not see the person...

We are forced to use our imagination. if the bible is
divine inspiration, then there must be reason  for these
parts of Jesus life to not be known to us. So there must
be a purpose for that. Using our imagination is the devine gift.

This walks right into "The Secret." I won't get into it here
directly, but the "laws of attraction", prayer, and Jesus'
teachings are all the same thing.

Pray and ask for what you want in life. Use you
thoughts to create. Picture it in your mind....in your
mind's eye,(3rd eye*another time and place*), 
connect to god, and with love and purity in your heart,
it will be yours...I do not claim to be an expert on the subject,
but I will ask, "What does that sounds like to you?"

Pray and ask for what you want in life. Use you
thoughts to create it. Picture it in your mind...and with
love and purity in your heart, it will be yours...

It isn't until religion gets involved that it gets muddled.
All of a sudden it is not right to hope and wish for
material things...riches. The ruling elite were afraid
that if everyone knew this and dreamed of riches that
it would "run the coffers dry"...

Anyone who has a true grasp on who and what Jesus
offers knows that there is no running out "in gods
kingdom"...And having studied both Jesus and the law
of attraction thoroughly...Everyone's riches are the
different. If you want lots of gold. You can have lots 
of gold. The purpose of this is to be able to identify with
"the spirit" ...the essence...how else are you to know 
that all things are possible?

I think we all know, most of us know, and even those of
us who focus so heavily on it, would all agree that
when all of our needs are met, there is no real necessity
for "money. "

After watching, what the major networks wanted me to
believe was"The Bible", a story they told they don't want
us to forget.

Where Jesus holds up the piece of the money 
with Caesar's picture on it, and says, something along
the lines that if this money has his face on it, then give it to him. 
Give him what is his, and you can everything else in god's kingdom.

I would imagine the looks of people..."but that
would be all the money then...!?!"

Give Caesar his money and you are given the kingdom
of god...

Give him the silver...you can have everything else...
This is still true today. If you think about it...you can
give back the material world that has been created
since his time, and most definitely survive. I promise you.
If you don't...well...they should have made a video game for that...

I have yet to see, although my uncle Mike is
questionable, anyone of my christian representative
relatives ever show the desire to ever give up the way of life
they so vigorously... on blistering summer afternoons...
tromping from door to door...pressing a book in people faces... 
that wasn't even around, during the time the Guy was around..
only to get shut down 98.2% of the time...(numbers may vary)

Well..98.2% of today's religious sects dedicated to Jesus
are unwilling to give up the way of life they so
hypocritically participate in. If they did decide. It
would be like the book talks about in the end...
Unfortunately, most will be forced to participate.

I show you and tell you this as a message. Here I sit. I
have smoked cannabis today. I have tattoos. Six of
them. They are all divinely inspired...
I am unemployed. So was Jesus.
I rely on the assistance of those closest to me. So did
Jesus. Those people could be considered societies
"rejects"...They're the best, most colorful people in the world.

Aligning yourself with Jesus may not be the direction you think it is...

Jesus was a reject of society...

And so am I...

So what was the name of The Dude's dog???


you pick...

p.s. putting my own name up there seems a little blasphemous...js.(just sayin')


Einstein said that you can not solve life's problems from
the same reality from which they were created...

Monday, May 12, 2014

2055 Explained...

The original design concept was to bring together like minded people together and doodle something out... My buddy's girlfriend was chosen to start the project... She was the first pencil on the paper, so to speak...We put her on the spot, and the only thing she could think to put down was the Star of David...and it grew from that...

If you look at the Star of David it looks like 2 Roman numeral 10's(X's) and 2 Roman numeral 5's (V's)...


5 and 5


Get it???